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13.06.2024 | 6 minute read

Better IT Decision-Making Through Experience Data and Insight

Companies thrive or die based on the quality of their decision-making, and poor decision-making can, in extreme cases, ...

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Better IT Decision-Making Through Experience Data and Insight
Better IT Decision-Making Through Experience Data and Insight
6 minute read


Better IT Decision-Making Through Experience Data and Insight

Companies thrive or die based on the quality of their decision-making, and poor decision-making can, in extreme cases, ...

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Are Yearly IT Surveys useless?
6 minute read


Are Yearly IT Surveys useless?

Since the global pandemic, most of us have changed how we live, work, move, and socialize. Importantly, the pandemic ...

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6 minute read


The Importance of Experience Management to CIOs

“XLAs” or experience level agreements help organizations drive up operational efficiency and improve the resulting ...

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Lost Time is Lost Money
10 minute read


Lost Time is Lost Money 

According to The Global IT Experience Benchmark H2/2022, employees perceived their lost time as 3 hours and 13 minutes ...

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It’s Time for Your IT Service Desk Strategies to Refocus from Cost to Business Value
14 minute read


It’s Time for Your IT Service Desk Strategies to Refocus from Cost to Business Value

There has been a long-held view that the IT service desk is a “cost of quality,” i.e. it’s an additional and ...

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5 minute read


What is the total cost of a ticket in your IT Service Desk?

What’s the difference between an incident and a ticket? On the surface, this feels like an odd question and not one you ...

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3 minute read


CIO Interview: How to Create End-User Centric Culture?

Employee experience is a big trend in ITSM for 2020, and Campari’s CIO is aiming to put this concept at the heart of ...

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From IT Cost to Business Value using Employee Experience

Has the focus on IT support cost reduction really been the best option for CIOs and their senior management teams? ...

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