Employee experience and the role technology can play in supporting a more flexible workforce

See this virtual roundtable discussion we organized together with our partners whyaye and ServiceNow. We discuss the importance of delivering an effective employee experience, the role of technology as an enabler. What changes or improvements are likely to have the greatest impact and how to assess that? 

We have a fantastic group of panel members to bring insight to the debate:

  • Anton Zawada: Group Human Resources Director - Devro
  • Dean Underwood: Head of IT Services - Poundland
  • Kevin Delany: Visiting Fellow at Norwich Business School - UEA

The key themes for the discussion 

  • Does the technology that employees are using impact their motivation, performance and productivity? 
  • How can we assess that impact? 
  • Which changes/improvements are likely to have the greatest impact? 
  • What are the key challenges to achieving the desired impact? 

See the Roundtable on-demand replay 


IT’s going all-In on Employee Experience, but where does HR fit In?
Read our blog>>


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