The Global IT Experience Benchmark: H2/2021

How can Enterprise IT deliver great end-user experiences in 2022?

This is the question that the Global IT Experience Benchmark H2/2021 Report seeks to answer.


This edition of our biannual report focuses on what the data means for IT professionals who want to deliver great end-user experiences in 2022. Discover in the report:

  • Granular insights into the highs and lows of IT’s performance from the end-user perspective
  • Recommendations on how to make data-driven improvements to employee happiness and productivity with Ticket-based and Proactive IT 
  • Fascinating country-, industry-, and support profile-specific differences in end-user expectations of IT, to help you understand your data in the context
  • ...and so much more!

Our analysis is fuelled by data from 748,878 end-user responses in 130 different countries, gathered through the HappySignals IT Experience Management Platform from July - December 2021. You can access this report here.

Find the latest report here.

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