Weekly Operational Meetings

Maintain engagement and promote visibility with a short weekly meeting to keep end-user's experiences front and center.


Objective of Weekly Operational Meetings

Weekly Operational Meetings help keep the team(s) focused on Experience Data as it develops in real-time. 

Impact of Weekly Operational Meetings

Weekly operational meetings help to embed Experience Data into everyone's ways of working, providing value and motivation in their daily work.

About this ITXM Best Practice

HappySignals Customers
Pasi Nikkanen / HappySignals

Reading time:
6 minutes


2nd February 2023

What are Weekly Operational Meetings?

Hosting weekly operational meetings is a practice that fosters a culture of human-centric IT and increases its importance among all team members.

Therefore, holding weekly operational meetings centered on Experience Data is essential.  These meetings establish a habit of regularly reviewing data, analyzing feedback, and prioritizing end-user needs when developing or improving IT services.

Why would you setup Weekly Operational Meetings?

Weekly Operational Meetings are essential to establish a culture prioritizing end-user experience within the IT team. By regularly discussing Experience Data, the team learns to leverage it and gain value from ITXM.

A formal practice also demonstrates the company's commitment to understanding end-user pain points, as neglecting to address them wastes their time and the survey insights. Failing to discuss issues can lead to negative perceptions of IT and decreased productivity among end-users.

When would you start Weekly Operational Meeting practice?

Weekly Operational Meetings can be started very early in your ITXM journey since you can progress the agenda of the meetings as people learn more about Experience Data, the problems your end-users are facing, and the objectives you have as a team.

For example, for the first 2 months just review the data and let everyone on the team have time to understand the story the data tells.

When people start to ask detailed questions, it's time to progress the meeting into one shown below.

How to run Weekly Operational Meetings?

When to have this meeting?

This can be an excellent way to start the week on Monday or the last thing you do on Friday. Just have a short 15-30 minute meeting where you look at the Experience Data, Mentions of Team members, and some of the Negative Feedback as well.

Agenda example for the weekly meeting

5 to 10 minutes on each bullet: 

  • Recognize Job Well Done - List positive comments that mention team members by name. This creates a friendly vibe for the meeting and something everyone will be waiting for next week
  • Look at the weekly development of Experience, how has Happiness changed, where the biggest changes occurred, and how is this team/service doing compared to others
  • List any actions for the coming days, like following up on some bad experiences end-users have had or ongoing improvement initiatives

Material can be presented in a Powerpoint Presentation, but, if possible, use the real-time ITXM platform to save time and unnecessary work before the meeting. This will also encourage others to use the tool as they see how quick and easy it is.

How to use HappySignals to save time every week?

Not creating static Powerpoint presentations saves you time when you can open the real-time views and discuss the data in the meeting.

Here are some examples:


Automatic tagging of mentions: HappySignals automatically tags names from comments, so you can filter scores 9 & 10 and click the Mentions filter. Then you can read all the positive mentions in the meeting with the team.



Create heat maps: Cross-reference data categories to expose experience gaps, e.g., Country and Channel or Location and Service.

The areas highlighted in dark red have high response volume (many affected end-users) and a large negative difference in Happiness / Lost Time compared to Baseline, Previous period, or Target – depending on your selection.